
We are glad you are here and want to be part of Team Charlie! We understand that it can be a big decision to work abroad. Therefore, we would like to make you feel at home. We understand that you probably have a lot of questions about this. On this page we try to answer the most common questions and give you an impression of what it is like to work in the Netherlands.

Is your question not included? No worries, Charlie works is there for you! So feel free to ask Charlie supports any questions you might have. You can do this by calling, sending an email or via WhatsApp.

Impression of working in the Netherlands

Werken in Nederland- Vervoer

Transport to the Netherlands

Looking for a job abroad is not always the easiest option. The first question many have is: "How do I get to the Netherlands?" Charlie works can help you get to your destination by bus. Do you have your own car or do you prefer to travel by plane? No problem at all! The choice is entirely up to you.

Werken in Nederland - Huisvesting


When you choose to come and work for Charlie works in the Netherlands, you can often start working for your company very quickly. It can be difficult to find a home in such a short time. That is why we always offer the option to come and live in one of our housing locations for both long-term and short-term stays. We make sure that your travel time is as short as possible by offering you a residence as close as possible to your place of work.

Werken in Nederland - Begeleiding


A new job, new country and new culture. A lot can change in a short time for you as a Charlie member. At Charlie works we find guidance on the work floor and in the social field very important. Therefore, Charlie supports and our Job consultants are always there for you and will help you with any questions or problems. Of course it can happen that you do not like your job. Please let us know! Then we will look for other possibilities together, because Charlie works has a lot of jobs available.

Werken in Nederland - Zorgverzekering

Health insurance

In the Netherlands, having health insurance is a legal obligation for everyone who lives or works in the country. This sometimes causes a bit of confusion because health insurance is not free in the Netherlands. When you want to start working at Charlie works, you must therefore have health insurance. Don't you have one yet? We are happy to help you with this! Charlie works offers a collective health insurance via HollandZorg to employees who do not permanently live in the Netherlands. The basic (nominal) premium for this in 2022 is €29,22 per week. You can read more about this health insurance on this page.

Werken in Nederland - Benodigdheden


There are a number of things you need to arrange when you come to work in the Netherlands. For example, you need a bank account number so that we can pay your salary. You must also have a Burgerservicenummer (BSN). Don't have one yet? Please contact Charlie supportsand we will help you with this! Finally, you will be welcomed in our housing location with a welcome package, containing some basic necessities such as a plate, cutlery and important information. Do you still have questions about what you need when you come to work in the Netherlands? Please feel free to contact us!

Werken in Nederland - Opleiding


Personal growth is very important to us. That is why we have our own onboarding program in which we prepare you in short modules for your job and for living in the Netherlands. We also have our own training offer that you, as a temporary employee, can make use of. For example, we offer courses to learn Dutch, both in class and online. In addition, you can follow various courses/trainings, such as a forklift truck driver training or a training for in-house emergency response (BHV). Curious about the entire training catalog? Take a look on this page.

Charlie portal
Werken in Nederland - De Nederlandse cultuur

The Dutch culture

As you might expect, the Dutch culture is different from what you are used to at home. In the Netherlands, freedom and openness are very normal. For example, it is customary to greet people in the street, even if you do not know them. It is also very normal and important for Dutch people to receive and give feedback or criticism. Don't be frightened by the fact that many things have to be done by appointment. Dutch people like structure. Equality is another very important aspect in the Netherlands. Think for example of equality between men and women, everyone deserves equal opportunities, but also that people of different religions respect each other. The Dutch speak to strangers, acquaintances and neighbours with 'je' and 'jij'. ‘U’ is often used for people who are older than you.

Werken in Nederland - Bezienswaardigheden

Places to visit

Finally, the Netherlands is full of beautiful places to visit when you start working here. In order to help you get started, we have listed some of them for you:

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